Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Good bye Boston

Just a quick post as I still have to pack up my stuff! I'm flying out this afternoon, ending my 7 year stay in Boston. To anyone considering an MBA here or just spending a few years in Beantown, I can only highly recommend it. The past years have definitely been the best in my life and I'm incredibly happy and thankful for all the friendships I made here and for the good times spent together.

So my first stop on my travels will be Brazil, after I will go back home to Munich for a few days in June, then head over to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam before meeting up with my current roommate in India, which will be my last stop before I return home in August. Mid-August it will then be time to move to London and meet my fellow LBS classmates!

Since I will be traveling the next months I will probably not post as often anymore. Maybe if I have time I will check on LBS' R2 stats and post some comments.

To all admits out there, congratulations! We have some exciting times ahead of us. And to all applicants awaiting decisions, GOOD LUCK!


wip3out said...

hey thomas,

wenn du in muenchen bist, holler at me, vielleicht koennen wir uns unbekannterweise mal connecten und MBA plaene besprechen. wuerde mich freuen.

bin auf skype unter codered0106 erreichbar. gruesse bastian.

Anonymous said...

Hey, do let me know when u visit India? Maybe we could catch up for a pint...
I'm an LBS R2 admit & I've been following your blog ever since u got into LBS R1, would be gr8 if we can meet before the classes start

Alex on tour said...

Hello, I don't know if you still read the comments. Just came across your blog.

I am very interested on the travelling issue.

Do you have any idea of whats admissions comitee view on travelling for a year before the MBA?



Alex on tour said...

I post again cuz I did not mark the option to be emailed if you answer.


Thomas said...

Hi Alex, I think if you're travelling for a full year before the MBA starts it probably depends on what you're doing. If you're just bumming around at the beach may not look too good. If you're doing non-profit work or something else worthwhile that's another story.