Sunday, January 20, 2008

After our MBA, when the $$$ are rolling in...

...lets not forget what some of us might have written in our MBA applications! Yes for the first years some might be busy paying off those loans, maybe then it's time to buy that nice house for the family. But at some point, wouldn't it be cool to do something good with all that money we'll (hopefully) be making? I mean before the MBA we all did our volunteering stuff to make that resume look nice, why not after an MBA as well? I wanted to introduce two guys (not sure if they got an MBA though :-) who did some pretty cool stuff with their money and their time:

John Wood (check his Wikipedia profile): He was a top Microsoft manager in the 90's, earning a shit load of money, when he once decided to go backpacking in Nepal. After seeing the poverty and visiting a remote school which had a few lousy books in its library, he promised to return and help out. The school director said: "Yeah of course you'll come back, like all the other tourists said..." A couple months later, he fulfilled his promise and returned with 3,000 books loaded on 37 donkeys. Soon later, he quit his job at Microsoft in 2000 and founded Room to Read which today supports 155 schools worldwide and has collected $33MM in donations to date.

Mo Ibrahim (check his Wikipedia profile): Mo made a fortune on the sale of his mobile phone company in Africa in 2005. With the money he made from the sale (estimated at $650MM) Mo founded the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, which awards $5MM over 10 years and $200K for life after to any African leader who demonstrated good governance and leadership (such as handing off power after losing a democratic election). Through this "competition" Mo wants to promote democracy in Africa and hopes that African leaders might stop enriching only themselves instead of their countries.

Well maybe these are two extreme examples, but I hope I'll remember what I just wrote in my blog in a few years out.

Update: Thanks for the info mbabound, John Wood got his MBA from Kellogg.


mbabound said...

John Wood is a Kellog MBA (I read his book).

Thomas said...

Thanks mbabound, I just updated the blog with the info...